Why did you switch jobs to the start-up world?
I wanted to have the opportunity to learn something new every day. A startup like adretto is the perfect place to get to know all sides and areas of marketing and a company. I find that very exciting.
Would you say that you have left your comfort zone for adretto?
No, the new things and the variety in a start-up are exactly what I was looking for. Working in a small company is ideal for improving my skills, as there isn't an expert for everything and we can become experts ourselves.
What makes your work at adretto special?
We have a very open exchange/feedback culture at adretto, which allows me to gain insights into the other departments. This is very exciting for me and I learn how adretto, a young company is structured. The whole team is very open to new ideas, which I really like. I can give free rein to my creativity.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
My independence, which I already have during my internship. Also the opportunity to contribute my opinions to the team and really generate added value for adretto and the team.
Have you ever had moments when you wondered why you were putting yourself through the stress of a startup?
No, and even if I did - the stressful times are exactly when you learn the most. That's why I'm at adretto, to get as much new input, learning and new knowledge as possible.
Is there a funny adretto moment you can tell us about?
We have lots of funny moments. It's difficult to pick out one explicit #adretto moment.
Hand on heart: do you think suits look cool on men?
Absolutely, a well-fitting suit looks very elegant on everyone and immediately gives a completely different feeling than normal everyday clothes.